Battle of tannenberg who won
Battle of tannenberg who won

battle of tannenberg who won

The Germans rightly feared an army that was nicknamed “the Russian steamroller” and was seemingly capable of flattening its enemies with sheer numbers. Once aroused, the Russian bear could be a formidable opponent. When fully mobilized, another 3,100,000 reserves could be added to that total. Russia possessed the largest army in Europe, with a peacetime strength of 1,400,000 men. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that Russia would prevail against Germany.īut wars are not won with speeches and tears, and before long reality set in. In the emotional moment many people began to weep, including the czar and the czarina. Suddenly, the crowd knelt and spontaneously began singing “God Save the Czar,” the national anthem.

battle of tannenberg who won

The czar tried to speak, but the crowd was so vast that the noise and tumult of the assembled throngs drowned out his words. Nicholas, bearded and dressed in a simple khaki uniform, was accompanied by his elegant wife, Alexandra. To them Nicholas was the “Little Father” who would lead them to victory over their hated foe. Thousands of people packed the square in front of the palace, sweltering under a brutal summer sun but still exultant. Petersburg to formally proclaim a state of war between Holy Russia and its bellicose neighbor, Germany. On August 2, 1914, Russian Czar Nicholas II appeared on the balcony of the Winter Palace in St.

Battle of tannenberg who won